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Warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The next meeting of the Sheraden Community Council will be held at the Sheraden Senior Center on January 25, 2011 at 7:00 pm

Elections will be held

All members are encouraged to attend this important meeting


Sheraden Community Sheraden Shines Night
Friday, December 3, 2010
6:00 PM
at the “Station” Parking Lot
Followed by Refreshments, Crafts and Photos with Santa At the American Legion Hall
Please bring a new toy to donate to the “Toys for Tots” collection box or a non-perishable food item for the Food Pantry
Sponsored by
The Kiwanis Club of Sheraden and
The Sheraden Community Council


Sheraden Community Flea Market

November 13, 2010
9:00 to 2:00
American Legion Hall

Multi-family flea market sponsored by the Sheraden Community Council
Concession to be provided by the Sheraden Baseball Association

Something for everyone!  Come and browse the vendor tables.  Someone else's trash may be your treasure!



Sheraden Residents Make 'Citizen's Arrest' On Suspected Robber

When a vandal began breaking into Sheraden homes and bashing cars, residents took matters into their own hands and made a citizen's arrest.
On Saturday, during Sheraden's trick or treating, Deidre Crowley, 22, is accused of stealing items from cars along Thornton Avenue.
“The girl was trying to break in people’s cars,” said neighbor Cadiadra Kendrick. “She had rocks and bricks. “You know, it's not going to be tolerated in our neighborhood."
According to the criminal complaint, Crowley went from Thornton Avenue to Brutus Way, tugging on door handles and even getting inside and ransacking some unlocked cars.
Neighbors saw what was happening and stepped into action, police said. They called 911 and when Crowley tried to flee, some neighbors wouldn't let her.
“We have to pull together as a community and do something,” said Kendrick. “Something is better than nothing. They would not let her go. There was nowhere for her to go."
Police said Sheraden residents stick together and that police cooperation and interaction helps make the community a safer place to live.
"I'm proud of my neighbors,” said Kendrick. “I'm proud. I'm proud of my neighbors."

This is what makes our community special, neighbors who care!


  Open House on Wednesday, November 17th, 6-8 pm @ the Sheraden Senior Center.
 Students from Penn State’s Landscape Architect program will be presenting their designs on projects they have been working on in the West Pittsburgh area. Projects include the Corliss Avenue corridor, Storehouse for Teachers site, Elliott neighborhood and overlook and Tuxedo Skate Park.  Open to the public.


Sheraden Halloween Parade

October 30, 2010

Register at Chartiers and Jeffers or the AME Zion church parking lot

Parade starts promptly at 2:00

Costume Judging to take place at Langley Parking Lot.

(in case of rain, judging will take place at the American Legion

Costume Judging and Prizes

Treat Bags for the Children

Open to all  children from the Sheraden Community

Kiwanis Club of Sheraden is Hosting a Pancake Breakfast

November 6, 2010 from 8:00 to 1:00
American Legion on Chartiers Avenue in Sheraden..
Tickets are $4.00 for children and seniors and $5.00 for adults and can be purchased at the door.
 Come out and support our local Kiwanis club.
"Get Stuffed With Love"-
Zone 3 and Zone 6 communities
The owners of Tom's Diner and Folino's Restaurant are preparing FREE delicious Thanksgiving meals for those in need. Pittsburgh police officers are delivering the meals to senior high rises and individual homes in the following communities: Allentown, Arlington, Banksville, Beechview, Beltzhoover, Bon Air, Brookline, Carrick, Chartiers City, Crafton Heights, Duquesne Heights, East Carnegie, Elliott, Esplen, Fairywood, Knoxville, Mount Oliver, Mount Washington, Oakwood, Ridgemont, Sheraden, South Side, West End, Westwood, and Windgap.
If you are in need of a meal or know someone who is, please call Officer Christine Luffey at Zone 3 - 412-488-8425 by November 15, 2010. There are no income or age requirements required to receive these FREE MEALS. Please be sure to speak clearly and leave your name and telephone number on the answering machine. Your call will be returned.

We want everyone to have a great meal to celebrate the holiday.


Sheraden Community Clean Up

Saturday, October 16, 2010

With the help of 80 (yes 80) University of Pittsburgh Students, Sheraden is hosting a clean up!  Gloves and bags will be provided. 

Show your community pride, come out and meet your neighbors.

Meet at the monument at the corner of Chartiers and Sheraden Blvd.
9:00 am

Its your community, help make it a better place to live!

(If you can not come out and join us, take a few minutes and pick up the litter around your home.  Five minutes per person equals a clean neighborhood)

 Sheraden is Picking Up!



Sheraden Community Flea Market

November 13, 2010
American Legion on Chartiers Avenue

  • Tables are available for $10.00 a table or $15.00 a table if you need to have an electrical setup on your table.
  • A Pasta basket will be raffled off for the Vendors as our way of saying thank you for supporting the Sheraden Community Council.
  • Concession will be available with proceeds to benefit the Sheraden Community Council
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Debra Bailey 412 498-6908 or Debbie Whitfield at




 As a follow up to a July meeting with residents, city officials will join more than 100 Sheraden-area residents to provide an update on the recent and ongoing efforts to address the blight and crime that had plagued the region over the last two decades.

  City of Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl

Councilwoman Theresa Smith

Director of Public Safety Michael Huss

Director of Public Works Rob Kaczorowski

Director of Housing Authority of Pittsburgh Fulton Meachem

Other representatives from a variety of city departments

  7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 28
 Sheraden Senior Center

720 Sherwood Ave.



For those who receive the Hubtown News, there is a new way to link to the West Pittsburgh newsletter.  Visit it on the web!  You can find all the latest news about community events at 

Check it out for information about Sheraden and other communities in the West End.


A big thank you to all the residents who participated in last week's clean up.  This will be a monthly event with the next clean up scheduled for September 18, 2010.  We will meet at 9:00 am at the monument located at the corner of Chartiers and Sheraden Blvd.  Gloves and bags will be provided.  This event is co-sponsored by the Sheraden Community Council and Councilwoman Theresa Kail-Smith.


Thank you!

Thank you to our city officials and the various departments of the city of Pittsburgh who blitzed and cleaned in our community. 


August 3, 2010 is a Special Evening in West Pittsburgh loaded with all kinds of family fun events for everyone: babies to seniors!

5-8 pm Weed and Seed National Night Out & Community Fair at Langley High School with free refreshments, games, police & equipment, health screenings, home repair information at low to no cost, other community resources, a march for community health and more!

7-9 pm Mayor’s Family Fun Fest at West End-Elliott Overlook with truck touch, backpack bash, roving art cart and more!

9 pm Cinema in the Park at the West End Elliott Overlook – “Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakquel”!


Thank you to all the residents and public officials who packed our community meeting last evening.  It was great to see so many people who are interested in the future of our community.  Mayor Ravenstahl and many other public officials were in attendance to show support for our community.  The Mayor and his team have put together a plan for our community including:
  • A code enforcement blitz of the Sheraden neighborhood
  • A crackdown on landlords who are not in compliance
  • An afterschool initiative, in conjunction with our law enforcement personnel
  • A Redd up sweep of our neighborhood
There will also be discussion of areas for potential development. 

Please continue to play an active role in your neighborhood.  Our future is in our hands.

The next meeting of the Sheraden Community Council will be on August 24, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Sheraden Senior Center.



July 27, 2010

Sheraden Senior Center

720 Sherwood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15204 

Nondenominational Prayer Vigil (Outdoors)

6 PM

Sheraden Community Council Meeting (Inside)

7 PM

For additional information, please contact Deb Whitfield (president) or Councilwoman Kail-Smiths office at


Confirmed speakers include:

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl

Councilwoman Theresa Smith

Public Safety Director Michael Huss

Public Works Director Rob Kaczorowski

Bureau of Building Inspections A/Director John Jennings

Housing Authority Executive Director Fulton Meachem

Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Commander Scott Schubert

Mayor’s Office Gabe Mazefsky

Redd Up Kevin Quigley

5th Division (Public Works), Supervisor John McClory

All residents and business owners are encouraged to attend


Interested Citizens in the City's Open Space, Parks, and Recreation planning process (OPENSPACEPGH):

The City of Pittsburgh, through the Department of City Planning, is beginning the process of creating an Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Plan. The Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Plan (OPENSPACEPGH) is one of the initial components of PLANPGH, the City's Comprehensive Plan. There are two surveys that have been posted on Open Space, Parks, and Recreation on the PLANPGH Exchange feature on the PLANPGH Website  at   one for adults, and one for youth. I encourage you to fill these out, as by sharing your opinions (and for parents, having your kids share theirs) about Pittsburgh's open space, park, and recreation resources (including what types of programs, facilities, and opportunities are important, where they should be located and how they should be maintained), you will help the City make informed decisions about future vacant land, open space, parks, and recreation efforts.

While you're on the PLANPGH Exchange, please register on the site so that you can be notified of additional opportunities to give your opinions and public meetings or events for PLANPGH. Registration is not necessary to fill out the survey, however. I'd also recommend checking out the PLANPGH mainpage (, for more detail about the Comprehensive Plan and some fun facts about the City we call home.

The survey is currently open, and will be open until August 31st.


Council Meeting, Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sheraden Senior Center
7:00 pm

All are welcome to attend.
Find out what is going on in your neighborhood.




CALLING ALL GARDENERS!(and those who want to be)
 Bring your gardening tools and come by the community garden on Saturday, May 15 at 9:00 am.  We will be sprucing up our garden with some flowers and weeding.  This area is one of the most beautiful in the community, bring your green thumb and join us!



Allegheny County Economic Development (ACED) and the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC), in cooperation with the City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning and Carnegie Borough, are pleased to announce exciting opportunities to provide input in the development of transit-oriented community development plans in two West Busway communities – Carnegie Borough and the Sheraden neighborhood in the City of Pittsburgh.
The purpose of the meetings, open to the public, is to present preliminary development concepts for the areas around these two West Busway stations (only the station at the meeting location will be addressed during each meeting). The concepts are based on background information and analysis compiled during the planning process and ideas generated by participants at the station-area visioning workshops held in March 2010.
Meetings are open to the public
Sheraden, City of Pittsburgh
Wednesday, June 2 , 2010
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Sheraden Senior Center
720 Sherwood Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15204

The public meetings are a part of the West Busway Area Transit-Oriented Development Assessment and Plan. This planning study is an exciting project to develop a vision for transit-oriented development (TOD) at stops and stations along the West Busway corridor.

For more information: Or contact Ann Ogoreuc at URS Corporation at (412) 503-4583 or

Transit service to the Sheraden location is available via Port Authority routes G1, G2, 26A, and 26D.  For more transit information, visit, or call (412) 442-2000.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To all who participated on Saturday for the community cleanup, thank you!  We loaded up 12 trucks with litter and debris all picked up in our community.

Become a clean up steward, keep your area clean!  If we all pitch in, we will make a difference!


Sheraden Community Clean up

Meet at the parking lot below Langley High School
9:00 am
April 24, 2010

Gloves, bags and vests will be provided.


Kiwanis Kids Health and Safety Fair
April 17, 2010
Langley Cafeteria

Sheraden Community Clean-up-
April 24, 2010
Meet at 9:00 at the parking lot below Langley
Gloves, vests and bags will be provided
Please plan to help out!

Golden Gloves Boxing Event
May 1, 2010
Doors Open at 6:30
Tickets can be purchased at the door
Guardian Angels Parish Center
For more information contact Sam Palombini
For those of you who attended the meeting for the Transit oriented development plan, this is the link to the presentation.  Watch for information regarding the next meeting.



The 3rd Community meeting for the West Pittsburgh Collaborative Community Action Plan will be taking place next Thursday April 8 from 6PM - 8PM in the Langley High School Cafeteria. This important meeting will be your opportunity to review the outcomes of the planning process and to join a community based Action Team to work on projects for improving West Pittsburgh.

 We hope you can make it! Feel free to pass this information on to your friends, family and neighbors. Anyone interested in helping move the community forward is welcome to participate.

FREE SPAGHETTI DINNER compliments of Councilwoman Theresa Kail-Smith will be provided.


Important Meeting Tuesday March 23, 2010

A meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 23,2010 at 5:30 pm at the Sheraden Senior Center located at 720 Sherwood Avenue.  The purpose of this meeting is to allow the residents of our community to meet and have input into development of a vision for development around the Sheraden Station of the West Busway.  There will be a brief presentation of the project and then small, breakout sessions where residents can discuss the amenities, improvements and quality of life issues.



This coming Monday (March 15) is the public hearing regarding the proposed strip club to be located on West Carson Street .  The meeting will be held at 6:00 pm at the Onala Club. If you would like to speak at the hearing you need to register by calling  412-255-2138. Please attend even if you do not plan on speaking.  Share this information with your friends and neighbors and other interested parties.


Upcoming town hall meetings

State Rep. Dan Deasy is a number of town hall meetings this month to discuss issues important to you and to learn what his office can do for you.

Thursday, March 4
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Emsworth Municipal Building - Council Chambers
171 Center Ave., Emsworth

Thursday, March 18
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Dormont Municipal Building
1444 Hillsdale Ave., Dormont

Thursday, March 25
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Neville Township Municipal Building
5050 Grand Ave., Neville Island


Please Mark your Calendars:

Monday, March 15, 2010 @ 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. (CABLECAST)

Re: Bill No. 2010- 0191 - Petition from the residents of the City of Pittsburgh requesting a public hearing before City Council relative to the Zoning Use Application and resulting court action on Marquise Investment Adult Club. The Petition is Valid.

***At the request of Councilwoman Smith the location of the meeting will be held in the community and Cablecast***
Location: Onala Club
1625 W. Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 471-8797


City Public Works Crews Work to Fill Potholes When Not Tackling Winter Weather

Residents Encouraged To Report Potholes at

(PITTSBURGH) Feb. 22, 2009 City Public Works Crews today and when not on winter snow removal will be working throughout the City to fill potholes.

Each of the City’s six divisions will have a dedicated crew to address potholes throughout the City. Daylight crews, working from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., will be focusing on addressing 311 pothole complaints. Evening crews, working 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., will focus on addressing potholes located on primary roads.

"We know it’s tough for the drivers who are battling Pittsburgh’s potholes," Kaczorowski said. "We're going to do everything we can to combat this now by responding swiftly to every report, while we continue to prepare for winter weather."

Citizens are encouraged to submit their pothole complaints at The City’s 311 response line will send all information to the appropriate division. Residents may also call 311, and non-residents may call 412-255-CITY. Through 311, every request is tracked and efficiently expedited to the street divisions; 99 percent of pothole calls are responded to within three to five days.

Kaczorowski asks that residents are as specific as possible when describing a roadway of concern, so that crews can prioritize calls and get to them swiftly.

"If possible, tell us a specific address, the direction of traffic, the size and scope of the pothole and nearby intersections or landmarks."

"Residents need to be aware that crews can only use cold-patch material in this weather which means that potholes will only hold the fill if they are two-inches deep or more," said Kaczorowski. "As soon as the weather gets warmer and more durable hot-patch becomes available, we will be able to more effectively fill all potholes."

The City does not maintain state or interstate roads unless there is an emergency situation. 311 will refer those callers to the hotline offered by PennDOT - 1-800-FIX-ROAD.





FEBRUARY 22, 2010

5:00 PM

City County Building

Grant Street

We will be protesting Judge James’s decision that denied our voices from being heard on the matter that allows a Strip Club to open next door to the Onala Recovery Center.  The location of this Strip Club could have a serious impact on the West Pittsburgh communities, as well. 

Buses will shuttle people from the West End neighborhoods and the Onala  Center to the Protest site



(PITTSBURGH) Feb. 11 The Department of Public Works today will be teaming up with contractors to “blitz” neighborhoods in snow removal efforts. Approximately 25 pieces of equipment will be in each neighborhood during these “blitzes.” This will result in periodic street closures and rolling closures.
The PBP along with the PANG (Pennsylvania Air National Guard) will assist with the street closures during the period of snow removal.
During this task of clean up we are asking the public for their continued patience in our efforts to make streets safer for travel.


There is a meeting scheduled at  State Representative Dan Deasy's office located at 436 S. Main St. in the West End.

Conserving, helping, all the Carnegie Libraries is the general topic. There will be
many relevant agenda items.

Please make it if you can. To providefor adequate accommodations, please notify Mark Kohut via quick reply email if you MIGHT be there.

Mark Kohut (& Associates)


As many of you may have heard, Mary Radford, past president of the the Sheraden Community Council, lost her battle with cancer on Thursday.  The entire Sheraden community is grateful for her efforts to the Sheraden neighborhood.  She will be missed by all who knew her.


Mary Elizabeth Meyer Radford, age 47, of Sheraden, passed away surrounded by family and friends Thursday, January 28, 2010. Beloved wife of John Stark Radford and mother of Zia Rhea Meyer, Margaret Jean Radford and John Lawrence Radford, Mary will be sadly missed by all her family and remembered for her creative, loving spirit, her intelligence and open curiosity to the world and her generous affection for all people. Preceded in death by her mother, Margaret Thompson Meyer, Mary is survived by her father, John Percival Meyer, her sister Katherine and her husband Jack Spratt, her brother William Meyer and his wife Miriam, her sister Sarah and her husband Andy Sadler, her brother John Meyer and his wife Dawn as well as many nieces and nephews. Mary served for many years with the Sheraden Community Council including the duties of president. She is well known as a member of the Bell River Artisans at the Market at 20th and Penn in the Strip District for her handmade soaps and candles. Special thanks to more than good friends Chris and Nomi Leasure and Kacey Comini Sherrod for their extra support to Mary and her family during these last months. The family would also like thank the support of the teachers and staff at Pittsburgh Langley High School and Chatham University as well as the University's swim team. Friends will be welcome at a Celebration of Life event to be held at the Phipps Conservatory from 4pm to 7pm on Thursday, February 4h. In lieu of flowers, donations are welcome to the children's college funds, the Phipps Conservatory and the Manchester Craftsman Guild.

Send condolences at
Here is a link to the article in the paper concerning the communities concernse regarding the strip club.



Keep the date

Monday, February 22, 2010

5:00 PM

(Set up at 3:30 pm-breakdown at 7:00 pm)

City-County Building
Grant Street
Due to lack of a public hearing, conditional use of the location on West Carson Street, adjacent to the Onala Club, has been approved by Judge James for use as a "gentlemen's club". We believe that OUR RIGHTS have been overlooked. The city of Pittsburgh has filed an appeal on the judges ruling. As the West End neighborhoods, we believe that our rights have been overlooked. While we know that our actions may not stop the strip club from coming to the gateway to our neighborhoods, we will be making it known for future situations that our rights cannot be overlooked.

Pass the word, we need all the support we can get!

Please contact the following list judges to voice your concerns about Judge James decision

Colville, Robert J. 708 City-County Building 412.350.0273

Della Vecchia, Michael A. 710 City-County Building 412.350.0281

Folino, Ronald W. 704 City-County Building 412.350.4535

Friedman, Judith L.A. 712 City-County Building 412.350.5147

Hertzberg, Alan D. 816 City-County Building 412.350.6333

James, Joseph M. 707 City-County Building 412.350.5598

Lutty, Paul F., Jr. 814 City-County Building 412.350.5468

McCarthy, Michael E. 709 City-County Building 412.350.5545

O’Brien, W. Terrence 705 City-County Building 412.350.5898

Strassburger, Gene , Administrative Judge 819 City-County Building 412.350.7138

Ward, Christine A. 820 City-County Building 412.350.5793

Wettick, R. Stanton, Jr., Senior Judge 818 City-County Building 412.350.5953


It is your neighborhood, and your community.

  The Sheraden Community Council will hold it's January meeting on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at the Sheraden Senion Citizen's Center at 7:00 pm.  
 All are welcome to attend.  


Thank You!!!

The Sheraden Community Council wishes to start off 2010 by send a warm Thank You! To our generous sponsors. These members of our community- business people, leaders, and neighbors, stepped up to make our community gatherings a success in 2009.

We couldn't do it without you!

Our most sincere thanks,

Debbie Whitfield, President

Ginny Kropf, Vice President

Kim O'Toole, Secretary

Marie, Treasurer