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Thank you to all the residents and public officials who packed our community meeting last evening.  It was great to see so many people who are interested in the future of our community.  Mayor Ravenstahl and many other public officials were in attendance to show support for our community.  The Mayor and his team have put together a plan for our community including:
  • A code enforcement blitz of the Sheraden neighborhood
  • A crackdown on landlords who are not in compliance
  • An afterschool initiative, in conjunction with our law enforcement personnel
  • A Redd up sweep of our neighborhood
There will also be discussion of areas for potential development. 

Please continue to play an active role in your neighborhood.  Our future is in our hands.

The next meeting of the Sheraden Community Council will be on August 24, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Sheraden Senior Center.



July 27, 2010

Sheraden Senior Center

720 Sherwood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15204 

Nondenominational Prayer Vigil (Outdoors)

6 PM

Sheraden Community Council Meeting (Inside)

7 PM

For additional information, please contact Deb Whitfield (president) or Councilwoman Kail-Smiths office at


Confirmed speakers include:

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl

Councilwoman Theresa Smith

Public Safety Director Michael Huss

Public Works Director Rob Kaczorowski

Bureau of Building Inspections A/Director John Jennings

Housing Authority Executive Director Fulton Meachem

Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Commander Scott Schubert

Mayor’s Office Gabe Mazefsky

Redd Up Kevin Quigley

5th Division (Public Works), Supervisor John McClory

All residents and business owners are encouraged to attend


Interested Citizens in the City's Open Space, Parks, and Recreation planning process (OPENSPACEPGH):

The City of Pittsburgh, through the Department of City Planning, is beginning the process of creating an Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Plan. The Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Plan (OPENSPACEPGH) is one of the initial components of PLANPGH, the City's Comprehensive Plan. There are two surveys that have been posted on Open Space, Parks, and Recreation on the PLANPGH Exchange feature on the PLANPGH Website  at   one for adults, and one for youth. I encourage you to fill these out, as by sharing your opinions (and for parents, having your kids share theirs) about Pittsburgh's open space, park, and recreation resources (including what types of programs, facilities, and opportunities are important, where they should be located and how they should be maintained), you will help the City make informed decisions about future vacant land, open space, parks, and recreation efforts.

While you're on the PLANPGH Exchange, please register on the site so that you can be notified of additional opportunities to give your opinions and public meetings or events for PLANPGH. Registration is not necessary to fill out the survey, however. I'd also recommend checking out the PLANPGH mainpage (, for more detail about the Comprehensive Plan and some fun facts about the City we call home.

The survey is currently open, and will be open until August 31st.